dimecres, 9 de gener del 2013

Avui escric alguna cosa

Més de sis mesos i Chisinau continua agradant-me, i no sé perquè. Avui tornaven a casa seva una parella belga molt maca, i una seva amiga que els coneix m’ha dit que tenia la sensació que la noia s’hauria quedat més a Chisinau. No és la única, que sembla voler-se quedar. Jo no sé si em voldré quedar, però no m’importaria viure aquí, m’hi sento bé.
Quan dic a gent d’aquí que m’agrada viure a aquesta ciutat (sobretot si són russos), em miren aixecant una cella, com enfotent-se de la meva ingenuitat occidental. Ja ho sé, que aquí hi visc molt bé. Em fa una mica de ràbia, a vegades, els voluntaris que es queixen que no tenen diners. Després, i no tinc cap nom o cara al cap, sinó només una sensació general, posen al facebook una foto en què estan tots en una discoteca asseguts rodejant una cubitera amb una ampolla de xampany a dins. És veritat, que no hi ha gaires voluntaris que vagin sobrats de diners, però queixar-se d’això em sembla fins i tot de mala educació, pijeria occidental. Però això és el que em sembla a mi i no ho discutirem ara. No és cap notícia que les frases “no tenir diners”, “no tenir menjar” i “no tenir res de roba” poden estar lligats a quantitats molt diferents

Jo deia que m’agrada molt la ciutat. Al troilebus sempre veig moltes cares que m’agraden molt i molt. És alguna cosa en els ulls, en la forma del nas o en l’enormitat dels cossos, que em deixa embadocada. Hi ha molta gent que diu que no somriuen gaire, i a mi em sembla que no és veritat. Em trobo molt sovint que parlo amb qualsevol persona del carrer, i que m’acaba somrient. Potser no al principi, però sí al final. I m’agraden molt aquests somriures inesperats i amples, que il·luminen les cares de cop

More than six months and I still like Chisinau, and i dont know why. Today a very nice belgian couple was going back to their country, and a friend that knows them very well told me that she has the feeling that the girl wanted to stay more in Chisinau. She is not the only one, that seems that wants to stay more. I dont know if i will like to stay, but i wont mind staying, i feel fine here
When i tell to the people from here that i like the city (specially if they are russians), they raise an eyebrow, like they are making fun of my western ingenuity. I know, that here i live very well. It annoys me a litttle bit, sometimes, when volunteers complains about having no money. After, and i dont have any name or face in my head, just a general feeling, they put on facebook a picture where all of them are in a club sitting around an ice bucket with a bottle of champage inside. Is true, that there aren’t many volunteers with more than enough money, but i feel like complaining about that is even unpolite, western posh. But this is what i think and we are not going to discuss it now. Is not the discovery of the year that the sentence “have no money”, “have no food” and “have no clothes” can be attached to very different quantities

I was saying that i like the city a lot. In the troilebus i always see faces that i like a lot, a lot. Is something about their eyes, about the shape of their noses, or maybe about the enourmousness of their bodies, that leaves me with an open mouth. There is people that says that they dont smile a lot, and i dont feel that this is true. I usually find myself in the situation when i’m speaking with someone from the street, and finally they smile to me. Maybe not at the begining, but for sure in the end. And i love these unexpected and wide smiles, that make their faces suddenly shinny

3 comentaris:

  1. Des de Manresa, estem contents que et vagi molt be la experiència.
    Encarna i Bartomeu

    1. moltes gràcies!
      Per cert, com vau descobrir el bloq?

  2. Per casualitat navegant, he, he
