Vam anar a visitar en B. a les 2 del migdia. Vam entrar al pati, on hi ha unes quatre o cinc casetes, i mentre l'A. donava la volta a una de les casetes per picar el vidre de la finestra i despertar en B., jo m'esperava davant la porteta 4, de fusta i de color blau, i veia com la cortineta blanca de la finestra de la casa de la porteta 1, verda, s'apartava cap a un costat i una velleta em mirava en silenci
Al cap d'un minut es van sentir sorolls a dins la casa i després d'un parell de cops a la fusta de la porteta, aquesta es va obrir. En B. estava molt borratxo, ens va fer passar i ens va dir que no calia que ens treiéssim les sabates
Jo em vaig asseure a un tamboret de la cuina, amb en B. a l'altre tamboret i l'A. va encendre la bullidora d'aigua per preparar-me un te. Després li va demanar la destral a en B. i va sortir al jardí una estona. Mentre la bullidora s'anava escalfant, en B. em mirava i em preguntava "què tal?". Jo li deia que bé, com sempre. Ell es posava a riure d'aquest "com sempre". Em tornava a preguntar què tal i jo tornava a dir que bé. Després li vaig preguntar "i tu què tal?" i no entenia gaire què deia, però al final em va dir que millor no m'ho explicava. L'aigua va començar a bullir i jo vaig posar-me aigua a la tassa, amb un sobret de te a dins. Li vaig preguntar si volia que li preparés un te. Va riure i va dir que abans hauríem de trobar una tassa. Vaig mirar al voltant, però l'única tassa neta que vaig veure va ser la que tenia jo entre les mans, així que vaig continuar asseguda i prou. En B. em continuava preguntant què tal i dient coses intel·ligibles de borratxo. Jo tenia el cap baixat i mirava l'aigua de la tassa. Després em deia que li sabia greu anar tan borratxo i no parava de riure de vés a saber què i em deia que no tingués por d'ell, que estava sent un idiota
Llavors l'A. va entrar amb la destral a la mà i me la va ensenyar: la meva preferida! Després va entrar a l'habitació del costat i en va sortir amb un àlbum de fotos en blanc i negre. La majoria eren de cosmonautes, de coets i d'en B. vestit de militar, que havia fet el servei militar a Baikonur, des d'on Gagarin va ser llençat a l'espai. Hi havia una foto d'un coet que estava apunt de sortir disparat: aquesta la va fer en B., em deia l'A. I després més fotos de tripulacions de coets, amb els seus vestits blancs. Entre les fotos de l'àlbum, que tenia tot de lletres ciríl·liques de roba, hi havia paper de calcar amb dibuixos fets amb tinta de coets, planetes, papallones i satèl·lits, que havia fet en B. quan era jove
Llavors ja no reia, sinó que més aviat somreia, i ja no se'n reia de mi, si no que m'agafava de la mà de tan en tan i em deia que era una dona molt bonica. Al final de l'àlbum van aparèixer més fotos, ja en color, desenganxades, d'en B. i amics seus agafant de la cintura noies amb banyador. Es va posar a riure i a dir-li a l'A. que parés d'ensenyar-me aquestes fotos
Després ens en vam anar, i mentre jo em posava la bufanda i l'anorac, l'A. li va dir a en B. que més tard vindria i li prepararia alguna cosa de menjar
We went to visit B., at 14.00. We entered to the yard, where there are like four or five little houses, and while A. was surrounding one of the little houses to knock the glass window and wake up B., i was waiting in front of the little door 4, made of wood and painted blue, and i saw how the white curtain of the house of the door 1, green, was being moved to the side and an old woman was staring me in silence
Després ens en vam anar, i mentre jo em posava la bufanda i l'anorac, l'A. li va dir a en B. que més tard vindria i li prepararia alguna cosa de menjar
We went to visit B., at 14.00. We entered to the yard, where there are like four or five little houses, and while A. was surrounding one of the little houses to knock the glass window and wake up B., i was waiting in front of the little door 4, made of wood and painted blue, and i saw how the white curtain of the house of the door 1, green, was being moved to the side and an old woman was staring me in silence
A minute after, we heard sounds inside the house and after a couple of hits on the wood of the door, this was opened. B., very drunk, let us in and said that we didnt have to take off our shoes
I sat on a kitchen stool, B. was sitting on another stool and A. turned on the boiler to prepare me a tea. After, he asked B. his ax and went out to the yard for a while. While the water was warming up, B. was looking at me an asking "how are you?". I was answering that "ok, like always". Then he was laughing at this "like always". He was asking me again how are you and i was answering again that ok. Then i asked him "and how are you?" and i couldnt understand a lot of what he was saying, but at the end he said that better he doesnt explain to me. The water started boiling and i poured water on my cup, but a tea bag inside. I asked him if he wanted me to prepare him a tea. He laughed and said that first we should find a cup. I looked around, but the only clean tea was the one that i had on my hands, so i just sit and that's it. B. kept asking me how am i, and saying un-understandable drunk thinks. I was staring at the water inside the cup. After he was saying that he was sorry to be so drunk and he couldnt stop laughing on who knows what and he said that i shouldnt be afraid of him, that he was being a jerk
Then A. entered with the ax and showed it to me: my favourite! After this, he entered to the room next door and came out with an album with black and white pictures. Most of them were from cosmonauts, rockets and from B. dressed as a military, because he was doing his military service in Baikonur, from where Gagarin was sended to the space. There was a picture of a rocket just before being sended away: B. took this one, said A. And then, more pictures of rocket crews, with their white dresses. Between the pictures of the album, that was full of cyrillic letters made by cloth, there was tracing paper with ink draws of rockets, planets, butterflies and satellites, that B. made when he was young.
Then he wasnt laughing, but smiling, and he wasnt making fun of me, but taking my hand from time to time and saying that i was a beautiful woman. At the end of the album appeared more pictures, on colour, detached, of B. and his friends holding waists of ladies on swimsuits. He started laughing and said to A. that stop showing me these pictures
After this we left, and while i was wearing my scarf and jacket, A. said to B. that he would came back later to prepare him something to eat
I sat on a kitchen stool, B. was sitting on another stool and A. turned on the boiler to prepare me a tea. After, he asked B. his ax and went out to the yard for a while. While the water was warming up, B. was looking at me an asking "how are you?". I was answering that "ok, like always". Then he was laughing at this "like always". He was asking me again how are you and i was answering again that ok. Then i asked him "and how are you?" and i couldnt understand a lot of what he was saying, but at the end he said that better he doesnt explain to me. The water started boiling and i poured water on my cup, but a tea bag inside. I asked him if he wanted me to prepare him a tea. He laughed and said that first we should find a cup. I looked around, but the only clean tea was the one that i had on my hands, so i just sit and that's it. B. kept asking me how am i, and saying un-understandable drunk thinks. I was staring at the water inside the cup. After he was saying that he was sorry to be so drunk and he couldnt stop laughing on who knows what and he said that i shouldnt be afraid of him, that he was being a jerk
Then A. entered with the ax and showed it to me: my favourite! After this, he entered to the room next door and came out with an album with black and white pictures. Most of them were from cosmonauts, rockets and from B. dressed as a military, because he was doing his military service in Baikonur, from where Gagarin was sended to the space. There was a picture of a rocket just before being sended away: B. took this one, said A. And then, more pictures of rocket crews, with their white dresses. Between the pictures of the album, that was full of cyrillic letters made by cloth, there was tracing paper with ink draws of rockets, planets, butterflies and satellites, that B. made when he was young.
Then he wasnt laughing, but smiling, and he wasnt making fun of me, but taking my hand from time to time and saying that i was a beautiful woman. At the end of the album appeared more pictures, on colour, detached, of B. and his friends holding waists of ladies on swimsuits. He started laughing and said to A. that stop showing me these pictures
After this we left, and while i was wearing my scarf and jacket, A. said to B. that he would came back later to prepare him something to eat
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