dijous, 15 de novembre del 2012

Flors i vorades / Flowers and kerbstones

Avui hem anat a l'USEM (Universitatea de Studii Europene din Moldova) a presentar l'organització on treballo, als alumnes de primer i segon de periodisme. Jo només he estat asseguda i he connectat i desconnectat l'endoll del projector, però a l'estil d'aquests països, a l'acabar la presentació hem rebut bombons i flors. De flors n'hem rebut un ram, que no era per mi, però per aquelles coses me l'he acabat quedant i ara està a l'entrada del pis
El ram no ha estat l'única alegria, també m'he posat contenta perquè avui he viscut aquell moment tan esperat en la vida de tota persona que marxa a viure a l'estranger: ho he entès tot. I sense escoltar atentament, sense tenir mal de cap després. Senzillament entenia les paraules, es feien frases, escoltava i entenia. Té menys mèrit del que sembla, perquè sabia de què es parlava, sabia què es deia, o què es podia dir. Però és igual, ho he entès i estic molt contenta
També he vist que t'acostumes a tot. Ahir jugava a caminar pel marge de la vorera (del marge de la vorera se'n diu vorada). Pensareu que és fàcil, que no cal gaire equilibri un cop tens vint-i-set anys. Però aquí és mentida, perquè les pedres que formen la vorada són irregulars, van amunt i avall, cap a la dreta i cap a l'esquerra, i si caus, no caus a l'asfalt, o a la vorera, que també és asfaltada, si no que pots caure en un munt de fang, si tens sort, o a una bassa. Com a mínim és així al meu barri. Jo ahir m'hi vaig trobar un gat, assegut a la vorada, i mentre m'hi acostava fent equilibris li feia psst psst! i no marxava. Però, amb això, vull dir que t'acostumes a tot. A no tenir llum a la dutxa i encendre espelmes cada cop que em vull rentar les dents. Al constant rrrrrr de la nevera. A les voreres en mal estat. A anar amb troleibus i minibus. A no parlar català. A rebre bombons i flors per seure i endollar el projector. T'acostumes a tot
(al final de tot hi ha la foto d'un gat)

Today we went to the USEM (Universitatea de Studii Europene din Moldova) to present the organization where i work, to the studients of first and second course in the faculty of journalism. I just sit and connected and disconnected the plug of the projector, but following the style of this countries, at the end of the presentation we received chocolates and flowers. We had one bucket of flowers, and it wasnt for me, but somehow i finally kept it and now is at the entrance of the apartment
The bucket wasnt the only moment of happiness, i was also happy because today i lived this waited moment in the life of any person that is leaving abroad: i understood everything. And without listening with atention, without having headache afterwards. I just simply understood the words, they became sentences, i was listening and understanding. It has less merit than it might seem, because i knew what was the topic about, so i could guess what they were saying. But it doesn't matter, i understood and i'm very happy
I also saw that you get use to everything. Yesterday i was playing to walk on the edge of the sidewalk (it is called kerbstone, always learning some word with these translations). You might think that is easy, that you don't need a lot of equilibrium once you are twenty seven years old. But here is not true, because the stones that are part of the kerbstone are irregular, they go up and down, left and right, and if you fall, you don't fall on the pavement, or the sidewalk, you fall on a pile of mud, if you are lucky, or on some pond. At least this is how it is in my neighbourhood. Yesterday i found a cat, sitting on the kerbstone, and while i was approaching him i was saying psst psst! what he was staying. But, with this, i wanted to say that you get use to everything. To not to have light at the shower and light candles every time i want to brush my teeth. To the constant rrrrrrrrr from the fridge. To the sidewalks in bad conditions. To go with troleibus and minibus. To not to speak catalan. To receive flowers and chocolates just because you are sitting on a chair plugging the projector. You get use to everything

Un gatet que em va fer companyia mentre preparava una exposició al museu zemstvei. Jo li donava pa, ell l'ensumava i no el volia, però igualment se m'arrapava als pantalons i em seguia amunt i avall

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