Al troleibus de tornada a casa hi ha un nen menjant-se una taronja, i fa tanta olor que tinc la sensació que m'estic menjant un caramel de taronja
Abans, però, a la parada d'autobus, ell m'ha apartat un ble de cabells de davant la cara, perquè ara tinc el serrell que no és prou llarg per posar-me'l darrere l'orella, però no és prou curt per aguantar-lo amb un clip
Abans, però, li he hagut d'agafar el braç perquè, tot i asseguts en un banc del parc de la catedral, davant dels plafons amb els diaris del dia, amb un cafè entre les mans, no parava de tremolar
Abans, però, m'ha explicat que quan aconseguia 10 lei al dia podia comprar, amb 2 lei, pa, amb 3 lei, un te, amb 3 lei més, tabac, i amb els 2 lei que quedaven, pa per sopar. Però que no sempre era així, que a vegades tenia 10 lei per dues setmanes
Abans, però, m'ha explicat que els 10 lei que acabava de fer servir per comprar dos cafès per emportar, si no hagués estat jo allà, segurament se'ls hauria gastat en vodka
Abans, però, m'ha dit que va anar a Polònia a peu, i després a Alemanya, i després va tornar, tot a peu i que un seu amic se'n va anar també a Kiev a peu
Abans, però, hem llegit els titulars dels plafons amb els diaris del dia per veure els resultats del futbol (Barça 3, no sé qui 0)
Abans, però, hem entrat a la catedral i m'ha fet posar el gorro
Abans, però, hem saludat un home armeni que l'ha convidat a menjar pelmenis més tard i també m'ha convidat a mi, i després s'ha assabentat que l'altre armeni, el de la barba, no està mort, que l'acabem de trobar, que viu encara
Abans, però, hem entrat a saludar un home que compra ampolles, paper, cartrons, i que s'ha interessat per les eleccions d'ahir a Catalunya
Abans, però, hem saludat un home armeni que portava un barret i un abric negre de pell i que tenia una barba
Abans, però, m'ha dit que li feia molt mal l'esquena
Abans, però, hem anat a veure el nou quilòmetre 0 que han posat a Chisinau i l'arbre de Nadal que estan muntant davant l'edifici del govern
Abans, però, m'esperava al centre i quan m'ha vist ha somrigut, m'ha abraçat i m'ha aixecat pels aires
Abans, però, el dia abans, em va trucar per dir-me que no havia pogut venir perquè acabava de sortir de l'hospital
Abans, però, el vaig estar esperant molta estona, i ja sabia que no se n'havia oblidat, si no que alguna cosa estava passant
Abans, però, estava asseguda al troleibus, pensant que com dir-li, com dir-li...
In the trolleybus, going back home, there is a child eating an orange, and it smells so much that i have the feeling of eating an orange candy
But before, at the bus stop, he put away a wisp of hair from in front of my face, because now my fringe hair is not long enough to hold it behind the ear, but is not short enough to hold it with a clip
But before, i had to take his arm because, even sitting in a bench at the cathedral park, in front of the boards with the newspapers of the day, holding a coffee, he couldnt stop trembling
But before, he explained that when he gained 10 lei per day he could buy, with two lei, bread, with 3 lei, a tea, with 3 lei more, tobacco, and with the other 2 lei, bread for dinner. But that it wasnt always like that, that sometimes he had 10 lei for two weeks
But before, he told me that the 10 lei that he just used to buy two coffees to take away, if it wasnt because i was there, probably he would have spent them on vodka
But before, he said that he went to Polish by foot, and after this to Germany, and then he came back, all by foot, and that a friend of him also went to Kiev by foot
But before, we read the headlines of the boards with the newspapers of the day to see the football results (Barça 3, i dont know who 0)
But before, we went into the cathedral and he made me wear my cap
But before, we greeted an armenian that invited him later to eat pelmenis and that also invited me, and then he found out that the other armenian, the one with the beard, is not dead, that we just saw him, that he is still alive
But before, we went to greet a man that buys bottles, paper, paperboard, and that was interested in the catalan elections from yesterday
But before, we greeted an armenian that was wearing a hat an a black leather coat and that had a beard
But before, he told me that his back was hurting very bad
But before, we went to see the new kilometer 0 that is now in Chisinau and the christmas tree in front of the government building
But before, he was waiting for me at the center and when he saw me he smiled, he hugged me and he raised me on the air
But before, the day before, he called me to say that he couldnt come because he just went out from the hospital
But before, i was waiting for him a lot of time, and i knew that he didnt forget, but that something was happening
But before, i was sitting in the trolleybus, thinking how to say this to him, how to say...
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