dimarts, 27 de novembre del 2012

rumynski yazik

Aquest vespre he anat a la meva primera classe del curs de romanès. Tot són alumnes de parla russa, menys jo, que parlo català
És divertit saber que tindrem problemes a diferents llocs, a llocs molt diferents. Avui, per exemple, gairebé tots tenien problemes per pronunciar "stomatolog". Tots deien, stamatólag, i no pas stomatológ. Ningú que està llegint això té cap problema per dir stomatológ, i costa pensar que a algú li pugui costar. Doncs a ells sí. Després jo clar, em costava dir învățătoare, perquè no sé fer la î i les ă no acaben de ser les vocals neutres que jo em pensava, si no una cosa entre una a neutre i una e tancada

Després parlàvem sobre quina hora ens anava millor per la classe dels dissabtes. Alguns deien a les 10, alguns més tard. La professora ha dit: però més aviat de les 10 no! I les noies ja saben perquè ho dic

Per què ho deia? perquè necessiten temps al matí per arreglar-se. Per això! A l'entrada de cada facultat hi ha un mirall ben gran perquè es posin bé el cabell, nois i noies

Ahir vaig aprendre a dir escombriaire en rus. I avui he après a dir-ho en romanès! Una paraula que no aprens mai dels altres idiomes (com es diu en anglès?), doncs l'he après a dir en dos idiomes en dos dies seguits. I ara tres, que acabo de buscar la traducció a l'anglès

This afternoon i went to my first lesson of the romanian course. All the students are russian speakers, except for me, that i speak catalan
Is funny to know that we will have problems in different places, very different places. Today, for example, almost all of them had problems to pronounce "stomatolog". All were saying "stamatólag", and not "stomatológ". Nobody that is reading this right now has any problem to say stomatológ, and is difficult to imagine that can be difficult for someone. Well, it is for them. And of course, i had problems to say învățătoare, because i dont know how to do the î and the ă is not as similar as our catalan schwa as i thought, and is something between a schwa and a "closed e" (close-mid front unrounded vowel, or, if it is easier for you, high-mid front unrounded vowel)

Later, we were talking about at which time should we start the lesson on saturdays. Some said at 10, some later. The teacher said: but not before 10! And the girls know why i'm saying that

Why she was saying that? because they need time to put the make up, and that stuff. For that! At the entrance of every faculty there's a big mirror so they can arrange their hair, boys and girls

Yesterday i learned how to say sweeper in russian. And today i learned how to say it in romanian! A word that usually you dont know how to say in other languages, and i've learned it in two languages in two days in a row. And now in three, that i just looked for the english translation

La revedere! O zi buna!

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