Una de les meves virtuts (i a vegades pot ser un problema) és que no em fa vergonya parlar idiomes. Hi ha gent que li fa vergonya parlar un idioma diferent, perquè té por d'equivocar-se. Jo tinc la gran sort de no tenir gaire manies en aquest aspecte, i prefereixo parlar malament deu llengües, que parlar-ne dues i bé. Així que quan un desconegut vol iniciar una conversa en la llengua que sigui, mai dic que "no l'entenc", si no que faig com si l'entengués i a veure què entenc
Avui estava asseguda al Flatspace, bevent un te amb poma, i he vist com de lluny s'acostava un senyor, la pell molt arrugada i la roba desmanegada. Jo pensava que passaria de llarg, però no, ha començat a parlar en rus, gairebé no l'entenia però ell ha preguntat el de sempre: qui som, què fem allà... i després li he ofert un te. M'ha dit que no, que ell te de fruites i coses així no en beu, només te verd normal. Després li he ofert una galeta (galeta artiach, perquè us la imagineu) i ha dit que sí. N'hi he posat quatre en un plat de plàstic, però ell només n'ha menjat mitja. M'ha dit unes quantes vegades que té una casa molt bonica al centre, al costat de l'hotel Diplomat, i que ara que s'havia quedat sol, podia anar a viure amb ell. Això m'ho ha repetit unes quantes vegades, i m'ha donat les gràcies pel te i les galetes unes trenta vegades. També m'ha preguntat quan podia venir a visitar-nos, que ens portaria flors, i llavors podríem anar a casa seva a visitar-lo. Tot això ho deia amb una boca que tenia unes dents de baix molt llargues, al costat de tres o quatre dents d'or. M'ha explicat que venia de Rússia, que feia 48 anys que vivia a Moldàvia, però quins farts que s'ha fet d'insultar els moldaus.. M'ha dit que aviat marxa a Rússia, que si mai vaig a Moscou que el visiti. Es veu que va estudiar a la MGU i li he dit que jo també. Alguna cosa relacionada amb alguna cosa atòmica. Ja he dit que em costava molt entendre'l. Ha donat les gràcies unes quantes vegades més (en total deu haver estat assegut amb nosaltres una mitja hora) i al final ha marxat
No havia passat ni una hora, que s'ha acostat una senyora de 65 anys per preguntar-nos què era allò. Ella parlava en romanès i jo li he intentat explicar que era d'una organització per joves, i per joves en romanès es diu "pentru tinerete" i aquesta cosa la sé dir, perquè l'he dit ja força vegades. Ella no ho ha acabat d'entendre i m'ha preguntat què érem, si érem un grup de música, si ballàvem, si cantàvem o què fèiem. Jo li he tornat a repetir i m'ha dit si la podíem ajudar, si podia cantar ella al nostre espai, perquè ella era una cantant amb molt de talent però que no ho havia pogut mostrar mai. Jo li he dit que em sabia greu, però que només treballàvem amb gent jove, i m'ha sabut greu dir-li, però no s'ho ha pres malament del tot. Al final ha semblat entendre-ho i se n'ha anat. Però al cap de quinze minuts ha tornat i m'ha fet seure al seu costat. M'ha dit que s'ho havia estat pensant i que, ja que es podia donar el cas que donéssim diners a un jove sense talent, per què no donar-li a ella, que tot i que no era jove, sí que tenia talent. Li he tornat a explicar que l'organització treballava amb gent jove, però no m'ha fet cas. M'ha dit que igualment la podíem ajudar, que si volia em podia cantar una cançó i que veuria que tenia molt de talent. Li he dit que no feia falta, que ja m'ho creia que ho feia molt bé, però que la meva organització és per gent jove. Com que insistia, li he acabat dient que rebíem els diners de la unió europea, que els diners que ens donaven eren només per gent fins a trenta anys. Ha semblat que es calmava i m'ha explicat que treballa al mercat central venent herbes medicinals, que a vegades canta allà però que no ha tingut èxit... però no s'havia calmat. M'ha dit si li podia donar el mail de la meva organització (la unió europea) o si els hi podia escriure per fer-los entendre que, tot i que ja no era jove, tenia molt de talent i seria una llàstima que tot el seu talent es perdés només pel fet de ser d'un país com Moldàvia. Finalment li he acabat dient que sí, que els hi enviaria un mail preguntant, però que no es fes il·lusions. M'he apuntat en un paper el que els hi havia d'escriure: canta qualsevol tipus de música, clàssica, folclòrica. Liudmila. M'ha dit que si la podia ajudar m'estaria agraïda tota la vida. També m'ha preguntat quin dia tornaríem a ser allà (suposo que amb algun representant de la unió europea) per poder venir-nos a cantar. I al final també ha marxat
No rieu, no rieu
One of my virtues (and sometimes can be a problem) is that i'm not ashamed of speaking languages. There is people ashamed of speaking a different language, because is afraid of making mistakes. I'm very lucky because i don't have a lot of manias (manias???) in this aspect, and i prefer to speak wrong ten languages, than two very well. So when a stranger wants to start a conversation with me in whatever language, i never say "i don't understand" and i keep doing as i'm understanding to see what i can understand
Today i was sitting at Flatspace, drinking an apple tea, and i saw how a man was approaching to us, with wrinkled skin and clothes. I thought he won't stop, but of course, he started to talk russian, it was very difficult to understand him, but he asked the same as always: who we are, why are we here,... and then i offered him a tea. He said no, that he doesn't like fruit tea, he doesn't drink this kind of stuff, just plain green tea. Then i offered him a cookie and he said that ok. I put four in a plastic dish, but he just ate half of a cookie. He explained me a few times that he has a beautiful house in the center, next to the Diplomat Hotel, and now that he is alone, i could come to go to live with him. He repeated this a few times, and thanked for the tea and the cookies around thirty times. He also asked when he can come to visit us, that he will bring us flowers, and then we can go to his house to visit him. He was saying all this with a mouth with veeery long low teeth and some gold teeth too. He told me that he came from Russia, that he has been living 48 years in Moldova, but he was insulting soooo much the moldavians... He told me that he will go back soon to Russia and that if i ever go to Moscow i can visit him. He explained me also that he was studying at MGU and i explained him that i also was studying there. Something related with something atomic. I already said that it was very difficult to understand him. He thanked a few times more (in totally, he was there sitting with us around half an hour) and finally left
Less than an hour later, a woman in her 65 approached also to us to ask what was that. She was speaking romanian and i tried to explain her that it was an organization for young people, and for young people in romanian is "pentru tinerete" and this thing i know how to say, because i already said a lot of times. She didn't understand it so well and asked what we were, if we were a music group, if we were dancing, singing or what we were doing. I repeated her the same thing and she asked me if we can help her, if she can sing to our space, because she was a singer with a lot of talent but she hadn't had yet the chance to show it. I said her that i was very sorry, but we were just working with young people, and i was sorry to have to remark this "tinerete", but she wasn't so angry about that. Finally it seemed that she understood and she left. But fifteen minutes later she returned and asked me to sit next to her. She said me that she has been thinking about that and, as far it can be the case that we give money to a young person without talent, why not to give it to her, that although wasn't young anymore, had a lot of talent. I told her again that the organization works only with young people, but she ignored me. She said me that we can help her anyway, that if i want, she could sing me a song so i could see that she has a lot of talent. I said her that it wasn't necessary, that i belived her, but my organization is for young people. As she was insisting, i finally said that we were receiving money from the european union, and that they were giving us money just for people up to thirty years. I thought she calmed down then, she told me that she was working in the central market and that she sold medicinal herbs, that from time to time she sings there but she hasn't had exit so far... but she wasn't calm down. She asked me for the mail of my organization (the european union) or if i could write them to make them understand that, although she wasn't young, she had a lot of talent and it will be a pity to lose all her talent just because she is from a country such as Moldova. Finally i said her that ok, that i will send them a mail just asking, but that i couldn't promise anything. I wrote in a paper what i have to say to them: she sings any kind of music, clasic, folk. Liudmila. She said that if i can help her, she will be grateful all her life. She also asked me which day we will we there again (i guess with some representant of the european union) so she can come to sing for us. And finally she also left
Don't laugh, don't
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