Aquest matí he conegut un noi de la meva edat, intel·ligent, interessant, atractiu, de bon cor i simpàtic, i ara que som al vespre, encara no puc deixar de pensar en ell, tot i que hi ha relacions que són impossibles.
Jo estava a la piscina abandonada de davant del Teatre Rus Txékhov, remenant la pintura blanca i sacsejant el pigment que hauria d’afegir per pintar les parets interiors i transformar la piscina abandonada en un lloc més bonic. Ell se m’ha acostat, perquè sempre que estic sola a Chisinau se m’acosta la gent més variada i jo no faig lletjos a parlar amb cap d’ells. Portava un carretonet (com els dels carretons de la compra quan hi treus la part de roba i només et queda la part metàl·lica) amb uns quants cartrons i m’ha preguntat què estava fent. Jo li he explicat i s’ha quedat a fer-me companyia durant les següents tres hores. D’ell, en aquestes tres hores, n’he sabut les coses més variades:
que som del mateix any. Que té un fill que es diu Andrei. Que es diu Andrei. Que un cop els capellans es van estar dos anys al Vaticà tancats per decidir qui seria el nou papa. Que va estar a la presó. Que quan va sortir de la presó va donar tot el que duia a sobre als companys que hi havia dins la presó. Que sap construir cases i que me n’ensenyarà si vull. Que va viure a Polònia construint cases. Que ha estat a l’estadi de l’equip de futbol Sheriff, construint-lo. Que ha escrit dos llibres. Que a l’hivern, a menys 30 graus, anava a l’escola amb sabates d’estiu. Que sap dir algunes coses en espanyol. Que vol creuar la frontera cap a Polònia i quedar-se allà. Que va enxampar la seva dona al llit amb un altre i d’això es van divorciar. Que si un moldau m’empipa li digui “***************”. Que el seu pare va abandonar la seva mare quan ella estava embarassada d’ell i que la seva mare el va abandonar a ell quan tenia 8 mesos. Que va estudiar història a la universitat. Que va treballar d’arqueòlog a la riba del Nistru i que va trobar dos esquelets humans, un de dona, de fa 2000 anys. Que Tiraspol era l’antiga colònia grega Tiras. Que els tatuatges del braç se’ls va fer ell mateix. Que va saber que té un germà a Chisinau i l’està buscant, però no el sap trobar. Que sap que la seva mare també és a Chisinau, però tampoc la sap trobar. Que Gaudí va pensar la Sagrada Família no només com una catedral, si no com tot un complex. Que una persona val tant com els idiomes que coneix. Que pintaré més ràpid si pinto en diagonal i no de dalt a baix. Que està interessant en el disseny de webs
Fins i tot m’ha cantat una cançó i m’ha resat un pare nostre en polonès i en romanès
Avui m’he adonat, com no m’havia adonat mai abans, quanta mala sort que es pot tenir a la vida. I no, no puc parar de pensar en ell
This morning i met a boy of my age, intelligent, interesting, handsome, with a good heart and funny, and now that we are in the evening, i still can’t stop thinking about him, although i know that there are some relationships that are impossible.
I was in the abandoned swimming pool in front of the Russian Theatre Chekhov, mixing the white paint and shaking the colour that i will have to add to paint the interior walls to transform the abandoned swimming pool into a more beautiful place. He has approached to me, because always that i’m alone in Chisinau the most random people approaches to me, and i like to speak with all of them. He was carrying a little cart (like the ones that you use to go to the market, but without the cloth part, just the metallic part) with some cardboard and he asked me what i was doing. I explained it to him and he stayed there during the next three hours. About him, during these three hours, i have learned the most varied things:
that we are from the same year. That he has a son that is called Andrei. That he is called Andrei. That once, the priests where closed two years in the Vatican to decided who will be the next pope. That he has been in prison. That when he went out from prison, he gave all that he has on him to the ones that were staying in prison. That he knows how to build a house and he will teach me if i want. That he was living in Poland building houses. That he has been in the football stadium of Sheriff, building it. That he has written two books. That in winter, at minus 30º, he was wearing summer shoes to go to school. That he knows some words in spanish. That he wants to cross the border to Poland and stay there. That he found his wife in the bed with another man and that’s why they got divorced. That if a moldavian bothers me i have to say to him “***************”. That his father abandoned his mother when she was pregnant of him and that his mother abandoned him when he was 8 months. That he has studied history in the university. That he worked as an archeolog next to the river Nistru and that they found two human skeletons, one of a woman, from 2000 years ago. That Tiraspol is the ancient greek colony of Tiras. That he made himself the tattoos on his arm. That he knows that he has a brother in Chisinau, but he doesn’t know how to find him. That he knows that his mother is also in Chisinau, but that also doesn’t know how to find her. That Gaudí design the Sagrada Familia not just like a cathedral, but as a complex. That a person costs as much as the quantity of languages that knows. That i will paint faster if i paint in diagonal, not from up to down. That he is interested in web design.
He even sang me a song and a “pare nostre” in polish and in romanian.
Today i’ve realised, as i never realised before, how unlucky you can be in life. And no, i can’t stop thinking about him
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