El divendres vaig voler tornar a casa a peu des del centre. Hi ha una hora caminant (no es fa tan llarga, només l'últim tram, que és menys entretingut). En aquest últim tram, pujant pel bulevard Decebal, caminava darrere d'una noia i vaig veure com uns dos o tres gossos, que estaven a l'altra banda de carrer bordant a les rodes dels cotxes, creuaven la carretera per afegir-se al grup de dos o tres gossos que estava a la meva banda de carretera i es posaven a bordar a la noia de davant. La noia va seguir caminant decidida i em vaig preparar per passar entre els gossos i que em bordessin a mi (no hi havia més remei). Ells em van veure com m'acostava amb el meu pas, i que aquest intentava ser decidit, però quan ja hi era a tocar un em va fer un lladruc mentre s'abalançava cap a la meva cama dreta. Vaig fer un gest ambigu, entre la por i la decisió, i vaig seguir caminant recte mentre el gos es quedava enrere i no passava res de res. Vaig arribar a casa amb la pell de gallina i la samarreta suada, això sí
No hi ha res a fer, hi ha gossos pel carrer, et poden bordar, et poden intentar mossegar o només volen espantar-te una mica, no hi ha manera d'evitar-ho. És una de les coses que aprens, no? hi ha coses que poden no agradar-te d'un lloc, però no es poden evitar i no cal pensar-hi més
On friday i wanted to return home by walk from the center. There's one hour (is not that long, just the last part of it, where there are less things that could entretain you). In this last part, walking up on the bulevard Decebal, i was walking behind a girl and i saw how two or three dogs, that were barking at the wheels of the cars at the other side of the road, crossed the road to join the group of two or three dogs that were at my side of the street and all of them started to bark at the girl in front of me. The girl kept walking with decision and i prepare myself to walk between the dogs and to be concious that they will bark at me (there wasn't any other solution). They saw that my steps were trying to be determined, but when i was very close to them, one of the dogs barked to me once and pounced to my right leg. I made an ambiguous movement, between fear and decision, and i kept walking while the dog stayed behind and nothing happened. I arrived home with goose bumps and the t-shirt completely sweated, of course
But there's nothing you can do, there are street dogs, they can bark at you, they can try to bite you or they just want to scare you a little bit, but there's no way to avoid it. Is something that you learn, right? there are things that you might not like from a place, but you can't avoid so is better not to think about them
there is something that you can do - you can carry with you a bludgeon :) and then you will never be afraid of them :D
ResponEliminaBut, if seriously, please take care about that and if you see them from a distance try to avoid them or chose another itinerary.
yes i know!
ResponEliminain this case the other options were entering to the ex-hospital-cementery (even worse, it was midnight) or cross the road, and that i don't think it would be a good idea as well
don't worry my mentor, i'll be fine :)